Most of the time this stone veneer  doesn't cost anymore than artificial stone !!  In fact in lots of cases it cost less.  Why would this be, artificial stone veneer actually  cost more than the real natural stone veneer.  Manufactured stone veneer  (artificial stone) is nothing more than cement, put in some sort of molds, when it harden painted what ever colour you like.  Then comes the packaging which is usually heavy reinforced cardboard box usually not to much of that artificial stone is put into the box for the fear or breaking through .  It is usually put in small boxes.  This probably is another reason why it cost most times more than our natural stone veneer.

        Another factor with artificial stone veneer that you don't have with our stone veneer is the huge shipping cost, most of the artificial stone veneer is shipped across the entire continent and goes through many hands which all have to be paid before it gets to you, the consumer.  Our stone veneer on the other hand is cut right here in the Maritimes processed here and crated here.

        The cost of our stone veneer has been the same for years and there hasn't been a price rise.  Unfortunately as time goes on that same low price for our natural real stone veneer will definitely rise, but for now the price will remain the same as it was ten years ago.  It is impossible to give you an accurate price  here, because there are several factors to take into consideration.  That is quantity, then there is distance and the fact, can we couple up your order with another order,  in order to give you the best price for Cut River Rock real stone veneers.

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"Tom,  the thing that surprised me is, I called all over and I can't figure out why you are cheaper and it is real stone."

Golden Lake, ON

My kitchen counter
Cut River Rock
Ontario Cell 1-613-914-1617